Saturday, June 16, 2012

Stupid Parent

So yeah, it's pretty much impossible to have a blog dealing with a restaurant and not mention something about how annoying children are. Let me make this clear; I don't dislike the kids, it's the PARENTS that I really have a problem with, you really can't help how you're being raised. Parents will let their kids make a mess out of a restaurant and then leave a minimal tip. What may be worse than that is when parents allow their children to run around the restaurant by themselves. Kids are short, when I'm carrying a huge tray, I will have a hard time seeing them, while I've never run over a kid, I could see it easily happening. Anyway, I really wanted to talk about the experience I had with a child today.
I was working the breakfast shift this morning, I got my ass to work at 5:30 and opened at 6:05 (don't tell my boss.) I close that shit down right at 9:30. I had this bitch walk in at 9:45 dragging her bratty ass children down demanding breakfast. Since I was lazy and didn't but anything away yet, and because I'm such a wonderful individual, I let them in. Now she was dragging this kid who had to be at least 5 or 6 who was SCREAMING. And I don't mean just a little whining I mean, I went to the cooler in the back and still heard that monster. It was crazy, I just wanted to crawl up in a corner and sleep. I was completely done with that bitch after she complained that we didn't have any bacon. First of all we had sausage instead of bacon that day, we only have one or the other because it's a free fucking breakfast. Second of all, she showed up 15 minutes after it closed so she shouldn't be expecting anything. We also ran out of cranberry juice so I graciously got her some more because I'm so freaking nice, (and the bar would need it for drinks and such anyway.) But who the fuck drinks cranberry juice, especially when you're not 101 years old? The best part about this bitch was that she named her kid Thomas, not as in the Tank Engine but TOEmas as in, the kind of name you would expect of a fashion designer. Who would to that to a child?
Yup, that's just one of the many parents who feel entitled because they feel as though they were the first woman on the planet to ever push a baby through their vagina. (I suspect this demon child was birthed through a cesarean because that's what pretentious mothers do right?)

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