Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A Restaurant Is Like A Hospital

Now before I get a lot of hate from my 0 readers I realize the huge difference between a hospital and a restaurant, we as members of the service industry don't save any lives whatsoever but the basic idea of them is the same. I've been watching a lot of Scrubs lately so I clearly know everything there is to know about how a hospital works so let's just get started:

The bus boys and dishwashers are just like the janitor of the hospital. They are responsible for keeping things clean. They seem like they have a small role but really the place would look like a huge mess if it weren't for them.

A host is sort of like a nurse. They are typically considered to be lower people but are actually very important. They don't get nearly enough credit even though they have to do a lot of things for the doctors/servers. They are always blamed when something goes wrong. They are generally considered to be "under" everybody who is on the floor. Patients/customers often assume we have more power than we do and believe we should do more for them than we can.

The serves at are very much like the interns and residents. They are very smart and they're the people that the customers/patients see the most. They are often unappreciated and pissed on by the people they are trying to be helping. They always get the grunt from the higher-ups no matter how good of a job they do.

An attending is similar to a good manager (yes they actually do exist.) They have some more power than the servers and customers/patients demand to see them thinking they can remedy the situation when really they just give them what they want, which is what somebody lower down can't give them. Good managers really want to try to improve the restaurant but are always held back by the person that is over them.

The Chief of medicine is the top of the chain much like the owner. The only difference is that the owner is hardly ever seen. The Chief of Medicine/Owner is always concerned about money. They often have a pretentious wife who orders around the staff (more on that in a different post.) Bottom line, nobody that works there likes them but without them, there would be no facility.

So yup, that's my comparison on restaurants to hospitals (at least the way they're portrayed in Scrubs.)
Oh yeah, and it took me over 2 hours to write this because I was watching Scrubs on Netflix...

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