When you pay for your meal you're paying for a lot of things; food cost, salaries, rent, and whatever else goes into the fucking price of a 9 dollar and 29 cent burger. One thing that is not included in that price is a toothpick.
There has been an overwhelming amount of people lately who expect the restaurant to have toothpicks for them. I understand that a lot of places have toothpicks and that's cool but a lot of places also have pasta, we don't. It's just like ordering something that isn't on the menu. I don't understand why so many people look at me with utter disgust when I tell them that we don't have any toothpicks.
There's a table by the door with a place to drop business cards for a random drawing or some shit and a basket of mints, yes it would be easy to put toothpicks here but we don't so fuck off. Asking me if we have toothpicks isn't going to make them magically appear. Do you think I keep a supply of toothpicks in my ass specifically for people who ask for toothpicks? No, I don't.
It's not like I just told you I killed your fucking dog, you don't have to scowl at me as if I just ruined your entire fucking life because MY MANAGER doesn't keep toothpicks in the front.
What do you really NEED toothpicks for anyway? You stick them in your mouth to look cool and tough, but you just look like a douche, and if you are trying to pick something out of your teeth, floss that shit, it works way better than jamming a piece of wood in between your teeth.
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